on 14.Feb, I met catholic sister and my god mother having lunch together.
They blessed my progress that I chose my second stage in this time. Also catholic sister said "we organized a supporting team of Mayuka. I am head leader." They love my arts indeed also it seem to make them fine.
I am so happy if my art cure someone who feel tiredness...But I am sure If I feel tiredness by myself nobody agree my arts. So in order to get freedom in myself and to brush up my art I will go abroad.
Catholic sister also said that, "Your special skills like Painting and Drawing they are given by someone. Someone gave them to you as gift when you were born. they are your own skill please keep them up. "
"We are not same,we have own color and we paint our wall with our favorite one. Do not compare with others.you have your own purpose.Do not miss it. "
" You have good sense and you can chose right way under your own decision. So believe yourself.Do not think about others too much. Go your way with your gift!"
How much I moved these words....I cant say and I felt relax with these too.
Yes, her advices are right. My habit is thinking too much for others. Sometimes it make me tight.where is myself? like this.
But, this habit also my special skill which was given by someone. Love it too.
Anyway, After I met with them, my thinking style changed. I decided to walk with my weak point. Weak point is not weak. its a process to b e strong. nobody perfect but everybody trying to approach it even if it is too little.
Why I chose English for this blog?
For changing, challenging and want to be free and strong...
I never mind mistake..I know there are lots of mistakes for my English!
All natures like sun, wind, water, grand, green...they are always giving me marvelous power....
thank you very much. FOR YOU
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